Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Sereias - Candelabro, Porto, 24.04.2018.

words & photos Raquel Pinheiro

© Raquel Pinheiro

Regardless of how many Sereias concerts one sees, they are never alike, even if, paradoxically, it is always possible to know it them that are playing.

The differences, often, aren’t so much on the general structure, but more on the details, the type of little and bigger inserts, the toning the always overwhelming frantic, chaotic, but controlled, energy, a notch down or up, and in adapting themselves to the venue and audience.

At Candelabro, a small place, from where the usual tables and chairs had been removed, they were staggering, hypnotic, rapturing the audience that was going along the band’s flow, at times, as berserked as Sereias.

Split in two parts, a very intense, breathless, noisy, furious, with manic drums, bass and electronics at full speed wreaking havoc, the guitar’s metallic, acute, spasm throwing confusion, the saxophone adding another lawyer to the intensity, and the vocals, floating equally on a tone of insanity. The “second half”, could be called calmer, more peaceful, even if calm and peace, with Sereias, are euphemisms, but some parts were quieter, especially the theme before the last one, where the saxophone shone, and, then was absent on the final track.

Sereias’ music always affects the audience that absorbs it, mimicking the feelings conveyed by the band. It is impossible to watch them and remain the same.

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